Friday, February 22, 2019

The Disorganized Serial Killer

Paul Begg's Jack the Ripper: The Facts, is certainly the book it proclaims to be; this is an exhaustively researched work about the White Chapel murders in 1888.  It does not broker in myth or legend or even moderate speculation.

Jack the Ripper was the first modern serial killer.  No doubt serial killers existed before, but elements came together to make him the most famous of all serial killers. In 1888, papers had mass circulation, and most of the population of England was at least semi-literate. Stories of the Ripper were popular, and increased circulation.  

The White Chapel murders were also perched at the very beginning of what would eventually be called forensic science.  Photographs were used in this case (but only one crime scene was photographed).  Organized investigations of crime scenes were in their infancy, but would evolve quickly after White Chapel.

Begg thinks Jack the Ripper was a White Chapel resident.  He knew the streets well, did not stand out, and the prostitutes who went with him saw no reason to fear him as they led him to secluded streets or in one case a small room.

Jack the Ripper was a disorganized serial killer:

“Disorganized serial crimes… are not planned and the criminals typically leave evidence such as fingerprints or blood at the scene of the murder. There is often no attempt to move or otherwise conceal the corpse after the murder. Disorganized criminals may be young, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or mentally ill. They often have deficient communication and social skills and may be below average in intelligence. The disorganized offender is likely to come from an unstable or dysfunctional family.

Disorganized offenders often have been abused physically or sexually by relatives. They are often sexually inhibited, sexually uninformed and may have sexual aversions or other pathologies. They are more likely than organized criminals to be compulsive masturbators. They are often isolated from others, live alone and are frightened or confused during the commission of their murders. They often do not have reliable transportation, so they kill their victims closer to home than do organized offenders.

Significantly, disorganized killers will often “blitz” their victims—that is, use sudden and overwhelming force to assault them. The victim’s body is usually left where the attack took place and the killer makes no attempt to hide it. Jack the Ripper is a classic example of the disorganized serial killer.”

The White Chapel murderer left few clues that could be used at the time. Today, the scenes would be loaded with DNA, blood, and fiber evidence - probably enough evidence to catch him.

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