Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Three Swastikas in 9 Days: Anti-Semitic Incidents on Cornell’s North Campus Stoke Fear

As these incidents at Cornell continue, it is all the more apparent that Cornell is not a safe place for Jewish people. Or more charitably, it is growing less safe every day. I get the feeling we are more and more on our own despite the good intentions of many. It may be time to firm up and organize our own resources for community awareness and self-protection

The slow and halting response by the Cornell administration only provides incentives for people to commit anti-semitic acts. Only swift and immediate action and a punishment with real teeth will make the price of anti-Semitic expression too costly for even for the most hardened Jewish hater. Cornell needs to do better. If not, we Jews must take control of every aspect of our welfare and safety.

My great concern is that the slow response is indicative that non-jews at Cornell are beginning to accept anti-semitic incidents as a part of our new social landscape. I hope the administration and Mr Lombardi's delay is not indicative of this shifting level of tolerance toward antisemitism - even passively. All forms of racial, religious and ethnic bigotry are abhorrent. But the rise of American anti-semitism should worry Jews, non-jews and Mr Lombardi. Growing anti-semitism in a culture is an indication of a social disease driven by conspiratorial thinking, the failure to see reality as it is, and the need to simplify a society's problems to a easy to digest , and hate filled formulas. All this bodes poorly for American democracy.

Three Swastikas in 9 Days: Anti-Semitic Incidents on Cornell’s North Campus Stoke Fear

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